
For Pacific Canbriam Energy, sustainability is about the health and safety of our environment, our community, and our employees.

2023 Sustainability Update

Download Pacific Canbriam Energy’s 2023 Sustainability Report below.


Commitment to the Equitable Origin EO100TM Certification Standard

Download Pacific Canbriam Energy’s commitment statement below.


Modern Slavery Report

As a Canadian company, PCE recognizes the important role that we have in ensuring that our operations and the supply chains that support our operations, adhere to the highest ethical standards, including the prevention and identification of forced labour and child labour in our supply chain.

Download Pacific Canbriam Energy’s Modern Slavery Report below.


We are proud of our safety record. Nothing is more important to us than the health of the people and the land that make our company a success. We place the highest priority on maintaining a safe workplace, and preserving the natural environment where we work.

Sustainable Water Use

At Pacific Canbriam Energy, innovation involves more than just technological developments. It is the integration of technology and people. Our approach is to put the team’s vast experience to work and allow them to do what they do best. Our innovative thinking led to the pursuit of a 20-year license to source water from Williston Lake, a full development in-field water strategy, a water recycling and treatment plan and a local responsible disposal strategy. Our water line is one of only two water pipelines that source Montney completions from Williston Lake, B.C. This proactive water sourcing strategy will supply Pacific Canbriam’s development needs for the long term.

Williston Lake

Pacific Canbriam has enacted a three-part water strategy that involves sourcing, recycling, and effective disposal. This innovative approach to water ensures that we are carefully managing our critical fresh water resources in a responsible way. This approach also ensures that our long-term development is supported with sufficient water requirements. 

Our approach to water use is industry-leading. We source water from the man-made Williston Lake Reservoir, and pipe it to our facilities – eliminating the need for trucks. Most significantly, Pacific Canbriam has invested in a water recycling hub that allows us to re-use up to 99 per cent of our produced water. This water strategy is designed to support development up to 1 Bcf/d of production.

Once new wells are brought online, all water is transferred by pipeline to the water handling facility, where it is treated and stored for future use. This closed system supports the efficient handling and distribution of water.  Any waste water is disposed through a series of disposal wells, which are continuously monitored by our passive seismic monitoring array. Pacific Canbriam has eliminated any trucking of water, which is good for business and good for the environment.